Osteochondritis of the spine

osteochondritis of the spine

Spinal osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Scientists call this disease "the disease of civilization" as it is associated with a person's upright posture and an increasing load on the spine in the modern world. Usually, osteochondrosis begins to develop in young people aged 20 to 25 years.


The exact cause of the development of spinal osteochondrosis has not been established. Experts point to the factors that contribute to its development.

Traumatic factor. Constant excessive loads (microtrauma) on the spine contribute to accelerated wear of the spinal discs. Anti-physiological postures (working in an inclined position for a long time, a long stay in one position) lead to the formation of subluxations in the intervertebral joints.

Developmental pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Flat feet, leg shortening, spinal lumbarization and other similar pathologies increase the load on the spine and, as a result, accelerate degenerative processes.

Age factor. The development of osteochondrosis of the spine is considered by many doctors to be a manifestation of the natural aging of the human body.

Vascular factor. A relationship has been established between a decrease in blood flow (ischemic processes) and an acceleration of pathological processes in the spine.

The factor of changes in hormonal levels. Natural hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, lactation, menopause, menopause) cause an increase in degenerative processes.

The factor of endocrine-hormonal diseases. Diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, myxedema (inflammatory lesion of the thyroid gland) and others contribute to the development of osteochondrosis of the spine.

Classification and symptoms

Symptoms depend on the location of the disease process.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The cervical spine contains blood vessels that feed the brain. With degenerative changes in this section, the organs of the head do not receive enough blood. This often leads to strokes.

The main symptom of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is headache. This pain is usually permanent, worse in the morning and with movement. It arises at the back of the head and emits the parietal-temporal region. The pain syndrome is often accompanied by dizziness, blinking before the eyes of "flies", colored spots.

In addition, pinching the nerves often contributes to the appearance of pain in the scalp, sore throat and neck. Pain syndrome sometimes captures the arm, the shoulder. It can be weakened or intensified by turning the head or changing the position of the body.

Signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include:

  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • ringing in the ears, hearing impairment;
  • visual disability;
  • violation of the coordination of movements and gait;
  • hoarseness or weakening of the voice;
  • tooth decay;
  • snoring while sleeping.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. The manifestations can be varied and depend on the location of the disease, the degree of its severity. Compression of the thoracic nerve roots leads to intercostal neuralgia. It is manifested by a sharp pain in the chest, which becomes more intense with inhalation, some movements, coughing and laughing. Pain syndrome intensifies after a long stay of a person in one position or after physical exertion. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is most often the cause of diseases of the stomach, lungs, heart and other human organs.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. It usually affects people who spend a lot of time in "sedentary work" (drivers working in front of a computer).

A symptom of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a sore and aching character, intensifying with sudden movements (lifting weights, sneezing, coughing) and a prolonged stay in one position. After an inclined position, it is difficult for the patient to straighten the back; Sometimes severe pain interferes even with movement. Pain is significantly reduced in the horizontal position of the body. Squatting or lying on your healthy side brings relief.

Pain syndrome in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is often localized in the lumbar area, radiating to the legs, sacrum, and often to the pelvic organs. Overloading the muscles of the spine as a result of uncomfortable movements, lifting weights causes back pain. Lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine is often manifested by impaired sensitivity, numbness in the area of pain. The patient may experience a tingling sensation, "chills while running. "Symptoms are often compounded by spasms of the arteries in the feet, decreased skin temperature on the legs, and shivering in the legs. Some patients have dry and scaly skin, sweating disorders.

If you think you have osteochondrosis of the spine and characteristic symptoms of this disease, you should seek the advice of an orthopedist or therapist.


massage for osteochondrosis of the spine

The therapy of this disease is aimed at eliminating pain, restoring the functions of the spine and preventing the development of dystrophic pathologies in the spine.

The duration of treatment for osteochondrosis of the spine depends on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient and the methods of treatment.

In the complex treatment of the disease, the following methods of therapy are used.

  1. Physiotherapy. It is one of the main methods of treating osteochondrosis. Physical therapy exercises include joint gymnastics and exercises on rehabilitation equipment. Its result is the normalization of the nutrition of the intervertebral discs, metabolism, the formation of the correct muscular corset and a decrease in the load on the spine.
  2. Physiotherapy. This method uses the effects on the body of a laser, ultrasound, magnetic field, low-frequency currents for treatment. Due to the use of physiotherapy, the duration of treatment is significantly reduced, and its effectiveness is increased.
  3. Massage. An effective method to relieve muscle pain, tension, improve blood circulation, strengthen the body in general.
  4. Manual therapy. This method of treating osteochondrosis of the spine makes it possible to restore normal mobility of organs, improve blood supply, lymphatic circulation, and prevent exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Traction (traction) of the spine. With the help of special equipment, the intervertebral spaces are increased. This helps to restore the correct shape of the spine, eliminates pain.
  6. Reflexology. It consists of the impact of special techniques on acupuncture points and reflexogenic areas of the human body.

Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine is carried out with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy or for special indications. The amount of surgery depends on the extent of the injury and the symptoms of the disease.